Celebrating 35 Years of the Burren Smokehouse: A Journey of Flavour and Tradition

Burren Smokehouse wild salmon

Where has the time gone?

It feels like just yesterday we opened the kiln door for the first time to reveal our inaugural rack of smoked salmon. Yet, here we are, three and a half decades later, celebrating an incredible milestone. We are thrilled to mark 35 amazing years in business!

The photo above captures one of our cherished memories: Peter holding the largest salmon ever caught for us off the coast of Doolin. We prepared this magnificent fish and celebrated its catch with a grand party at the Roadside Tavern! This remarkable salmon is still on display in our “Taste the Atlantic – Salmon Experience.”

As a side note, and as a testament to how much time has passed, standing next to Peter in the photo are Phelim and Róisín. They have since finished school, completed their studies, and embarked on successful careers.

Our journey hasn’t always been easy, but our passion for real, authentic food has carried us over every bump in the road.

There are so many highlights to look back on, including:

  • Being listed by Harrods, Selfridges, and Fortnum & Mason in London.
  • Having our wild Irish salmon served to Queen Elizabeth II at the historic State Dinner in Dublin in 2011.
  • Offering our wild Irish salmon to then-Prince Charles during his visit to the Burren.
  • Launching the “Taste the Atlantic – Salmon Experience” with the First Lady of Ireland, Sabina Higgins, in 2019.
  • Hosting the King and Queen of Sweden at the Burren Smokehouse in Lisdoonvarna in 2019.

We, Birgitta (the owner & CEO of the Burren Smokehouse), co-founder and husband Peter, and the entire Burren Smokehouse team, are deeply grateful for the wonderful people we have met over the years. Many of them have become friends. We also want to thank our loyal customers and suppliers. Without their support, we would not be here today.

Here’s to many more years of bringing authentic, delicious food to your tables. Thank you for being part of our journey!

Birgitta and Peter Curtin in front of Roadside Tavern
Peter and Birgitta in front of the Roadside Tavern
Birgitta giving a tasting at Fortnum & Mason
Great Taste Awards Top 50 foods Burren Smokehouse
Our Burren Smoked Irish Organic Salmon with Seaweed won not only the 3 gold star medal at the Great Taste Awards (together with 2 other marinades), but was also among the Top 50 Foods - out of 10,000 products!
Prince Charles with Burren Smokehouse salmon
Then-Prince Charles visiting the Burren
King and Queen of Sweden at the Burren Smokehouse
The King and Queen of Sweden visiting the Burren Smokehouse
Taste the Atlantic Salmon Experience at Burren Smokehouse
Launching the Taste the Atlantic Salmon Experience at Burren Smokehouse